General Information

Every participant receives their Multi-Passport at their arrival. It identifies you as a member of the Multi and is very important as it also states your name and your country of origin.

So that you always have an emergency phone number with you, you can also find one on your pass.

If you lose your pass it is possible to get a new one, but ALL coupons will already be devaluated and it will not include the ticket for the public transport and you will need to pay your tickets on your one furthermore.

So take good care of your Multi-passport!

Ticket for public transportation

Inhalt hier einfügen

Additionally, the Multi pass is your ticket for the public transport of the StOAG in Oberhausen.  You can use all buses, trams and certain trains (not included are long-distant trains  “IC/ICE”) in Oberhausen and certain areaes of neigbour cities.

You need to present your passport to the driver on entering the bus or the the conductor, when you are asked to. If you cannot present a valid ticket or your passport to the conductor you will be charged 60 Euro.

If you forget to bring you passport, you unfortunately have to buy a ticket when you use the bus or tram – and the costs cannot be refunded.

The ticket is valid in Oberhausen and some neigbor cities (Preisstufe B). Where exactly you can use your ticket, you can see in the figure below:



Finally, the MULTI-Passport offers you many recreational options for the time of the Multi. You find a lot of symbols of attractions which are unvalidated when you use a coupon. The Multi-passport is only valid between the 11th to the 27th of August, 2018.  After this usage will no longer be possible.

You can use the following coupons:

Gasometer Oberhausen

One-time free admission

Aquapark Oberhausen

One-time free admission

Tree2Tree Oberhausen

One-time free admission

Knippi's Bowling Palace

One-time free admission

All information without gurantee. If you have any questions or problems, please contact a member of the MULTI-Team.